8 Lower Ab Workouts and Exercises

Lower Ab Workout: 8 Exercises for A Stronger Core

To be clear, when it comes to the best ab workouts for women, crunches will fall toward the end of our tally. Then you will ask how many crunches a day to get a flat stomach and the answer?

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None! Instead, we selected the 8 ab best exercises for women to get fit. These abdominal moves are the best for women since they target your upper abs, lower abs, and obliques.

That way, you’ll burn fat and gain muscle to get fitter.

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8 Ab Exercises that Effectively Target the Core Muscles

Perform all of these ab workouts. You don’t need equipment! However, make sure your ab muscles are engaged during the following exercises, so you get the best results for your workout.

For each workout, choose all or only a few exercises. Remember that having a strong core requires the ab muscle groups. Thus, ensuring variety.


  1. V-ups

Another reason V-ups is an excellent ab workout for women is that they develop amazing balance. 

Instructions to doing v-ups: 

– Lie flat on your back with your arms stretched over your head and your feet together and pointed. 

– Your legs should remain straight as you raise them off the ground when you lift your upper body. 

– Hold the toes and keep your core engaged as you raise your body into a V-shape before gently lowering back down. 

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  1. Side Plank Dips

Side plank dips are one of the best oblique exercises for women striving side abs perfect for envy to ensure they attain and maintain the desired core strength.

The following is a guide on how to perform Side Plank Dips

– Laying on your right side, place your forearm beneath your shoulders and lift your body.

– Rest your legs long and stack your feet while keeping your whole body straight, ensuring your abs are tightened and your left hand on your hip.

– Next, using your obliques and core, dip your hips towards the mat and lift them back.

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  1. Side Plank Reach-Through

This is one of the best ab-oblique combination movements. Keep the core engaged the entire time—you’ll be feeling this move!

Perform a side plank reach-through as follows:

– Start in a full side plank position with the right hand below the shoulder, left arm reaching high above the left shoulder, and legs long.

– Tighten the abdominal muscles and slowly scoop your left hand under your body, looking behind you until you can see behind you.

– Finally, slowly continue to your start position.

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  1. Toe Reach

Additionally, the toe reach is not like the classic crunch you are used to seeing in most ab workouts for women. It is more focused on the core engagement and the rectus abdominus, and the transverse abdominous.

Here is how it is done:

– Lying on your back, take your legs long up towards the ceiling as you can reach.

– Take your head, neck, and shoulders off of your mat and reach your arms high towards your feet.

– Then return them to the tips of your shoulders and repeat.

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  1. Bicycle Crunches

This exercise targets coordination, works the core, and is one of the top ab exercises for women.

The bicycle crunch is intended to be:

– While lying on your back, legs off the ground at the knees.

– Start with your head, neck, and shoulders off the ground, your hands positioned behind your head, and one knee in and repeatedly towards the opposite arm in a criss-cross motion while reaching towards the elbow.

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Lower Ab Workout- 8 Exercises for a Stronger Core

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  1. Boat Pose

This boat pose might seem simple, but it will require an unusually high level of core strength while training you to build an even higher amount of core strength. It’s a win-win!

Performing a boat pose:

– Sit, and from the seated position, draw your navel to your spine to brace your abdominals. With your hands on the floor behind you, bring your legs up off to the floor with your knees bent in front of the chest.

– Slowly lift your hands off the floor and reach them forward and up, keeping your abdominals tight while simultaneously lengthening your legs upward.

At this point, your body should be in a “V” shape. Lengthen your spine as you hold (bend your knees slightly if your hamstrings are too tight).

– Breathe and keep your abdominals tight. Stay for 30 seconds to one minute or as far as you can.

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  1. Sweeping Scissors

This exercise is great for toning your belly and getting your core even stronger.


Here’s how to perform sweeping scissors:

– Start lying on the mat, both legs and arms extended overhead. Sweep arms to the sides, rising your head, neck, and shoulders off the mat;

– Bring one leg towards your chest at the same time.

– Extend your arms forward, placing one on each side of the lifted leg.

– Roll down from the mat, bringing the leg down, and see you repeat a scissor on the other side.

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  1. Side-To-Side Obliques

One of the best ab exercise for women targeting the obliques is the Side-to-side.


For side-to-side obliques, the exercise procedure should be as follows.

– Positioning on the mat, draw your knees into your chest, rising into a tabletop stance.

– Lifting the head, neck, and shoulders outside the mat, slide into a crunch, arms lengthened at your sides.

– On an outsider breath, stretch your right fingertips outside to the left, then alternate sides.

– Inhale return it to the middle, and afterward exhale take your left fingers out to the correct. And so forth, no longer allowing the torso to rest outward on the mat.

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Which AB Workout is Most Effective?

In the study of the American Council on Exercise, the bicycle crunch proved to be the most effective AB exercise.

It involved other drills, such as straight crunches or the ab roller. The study involved 30 rather healthy participants.

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What dietary choices will help me get flat abs?

While there is no magic ingredient to make you lose most fats and gain a six-pack at the same time,but at the same time proper diet is essential.

Your goal should be a clean diet full of protein low in carbs and with many vegetables.

Another tip is to focus on digestion, as many foods can irritate your system and lead to bloat. Wine and sugar salt are some examples.


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