How to Manage Your Time

How to Manage Your Time (7 Best Time Management Tips)

So, how to manage your time? Let’s find out in the article…

Do you find yourself falling behind on your delivery schedules?

Do you make plans to complete several tasks but end up being unable to even complete one?

Or do you find yourself wasting so much time without being able to reach your daily goals?

Well, there is one major problem you have and that’s the inability to manage your time properly.

One of the most important and very effective skills an individual can have in life is the control and effective management of time.

If you happen to manage your time poorly, you definitely will find yourself falling behind on your goals.

Of course, you might see yourself making some progress but the battle between you and time will hinder the execution of even more important things.

It doesn’t matter who you are, what your gender is, how old you are, which work you do, or the race you are from, time will always be the same for everyone.

So, how is it that some people are able to use their time better than you? Well, it’s simple and we’ll show you how.

Welcome to Thriven Authority and in today’s topic we’ll be covering some proven tips that will help you manage your time better.

let’s get started.


Tip Number One: Wake Up Early

We all have 24 hours daily and this 24-hours starts from the first 12th hour of the day at exactly 12 am.

This means, while you are still down in bed sleeping the day has already started and your 24-hours is already counting down.

If you wake up by 10 am in the morning, you have already expended 10 hours of the day sleeping.

To ensure that you take control of the way you use your time, you have to learn to wake up as early as possible.

The ideal hours your body needs for sleep is six to eight hours. To get enough sleep and still wake up early, you need to ensure you sleep early.

Sleeping by 10 pm will ensure that you wake up by six without compromising on your good sleep.

These are all positive traits that allows for productivity and proper use of time.

Since they make you stay disciplined in the things you do.

When you wake up early, you also become healthier, improve your chance of success, repel negativity, and become happier.

Not sure how to wake up early? Why not check out our video on that.

Tip Number Two: Make A Well-structured To-do List

This is where almost everyone gets it wrong.

Making a to-do list is like making a plan. You have to organize it based on importance.

There are several components goes into creating a to-do list and all these components need to be properly drawn together for effective usage of time.

By making a well- structured to-do list, you get to prioritize tasks based on the amount of time they each required.

A project can require more time but be less important and a priority project can require less time and be more important.

With a variation in time and importance, it is very important that you break down the workload into a series of easy to complete tasks… doing this will allow you to do more in a less amount of time.

According to a publication made by, it was said that studies have shown that if you spend 10 to 12 minutes planning your daily activities, you will save up to 2 hours of time. This 2-hours of time can then be implemented into doing something even more productive.

But that not all… other benefits of making a to-do list includes reduced anxiety, reduced confusion, improved productivity, and an increased sense of accomplishment.

Tip Number Three: Try To Do Just One Thing At A Time

Everyone loves the feel of being able to do more than one thing at a time.

In fact, we’ve made it a competition among ourselves to always try to mix activities with each other.

While the feeling that comes with it is good, then after effect of this skill you think you have is very terrible.

Notice I said, “a skill you think you have” … I used the word think because you don’t exactly have the ability to multitask and what you call multitasking is just you wasting time while switching between one task to another.

This is made clear in the fact that you have to halt a task before proceeding to the next one not exactly doing them simultaneously.

According to a 2010 study made by Bergman, multitasking leads to a huge 40% drop in productivity as a result of the time lost in switching between tasks.

To properly manage your time, you need to quit trying to do multiple things and focus on doing one thing and finishing it.

Tip Number Four: Make Plans For The Distractions

Surprised at the sound of that? Well you shouldn’t be.

Distractions are a part of our daily lives.

In fact, distractions are necessary and they can even turn out to be very important activities also.

But their importance isn’t currently a priority and dropping your current task to focus on distractive tasks will lead to you wasting your time.

Things like reading emails, sending that dress design to mum, messaging your long-time friends, or making phone calls to family friends are all important tasks but they are also huge distractions since they are not of any significant priority.

According to a publication made by, 759 hours is wasted a year by employees due to workplace distractions.

To better manage your time and still ensure to read your mails and other subordinate task, you need to make plans for your distractions.

When the thought of calling your friend comes to your mind during work hours, jot that thought down so you can do it later.

Tip Number Five: Implement A Good Time Tracking Software

Tracking time can be very difficult, there’s no doubt about that.

To better manage your time and keep track of every minute you spent at work and at home, you need to make use of a time management software.

Time management software are special software designed to allow you set time estimated for activities, track the amount of time spent, and have more control over your time flow.

According to, research has shown that people who keep track of their time become very good at it.

They become able to improve their sense of productivity and this improvement allows them to stop spending excessive time on distractions. But there’s even more.

Tracking time using a software improves your profitability, scalability, and accuracy.

Tip Number Six: Focus On Making Significant Achievements

Get this secret tip and write it down… the human brain is a lover of gratification and it really hates waiting for results.

When your brain is waiting so long to get results, it tends to get discouraged and eventually reduce your operating speed.

According to Dr. Gratis, a workplace productivity coach, we waste opportunities of adrenaline rush by making a task very big for the brain to handle.

Smaller tasks result in faster achievements and the feeling created by these achievements send an adrenaline rush that boosts your morale and in turn, increases your speed.

By focusing on making significant achievements, you convince your brain to do more in a lesser amount of time.

Tip Number Seven: Take Breaks

It is good to work hard but you should also know that overworking will only cause you to be less productive.

According to, the human brain has an attention span of just 90 minutes. After 90 minutes, your attention gets decreased and you start to consume more time on less tasks.

To prevent this, it is necessary that you include breaks in your schedule.

Try adding a 12-minutes break between every 60 minutes of work. This won’t only help you manage your time but will also improve your creativity, processing speed, and brain health.

What more? Start applying these tips and you will become the controller of your time.

It’s not very easy but overtime practice will help you become better at it.

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