So, How to concentrate more on studies, Let’s talk.
You are that student who really does believe in the need to study hard, excel in exams, pass with flying colors, and make yourself and hopefully, your parents, proud.
That great, really great. But… one way or the other, it becomes not exactly.
Because, sure, you have the desire to be a good student but coming out in flying colors requires being able to understand what you are studying and relay it down in the exams.
But, unfortunately for you, you are person that can’t even perfectly concentrate not to speak of understanding or completely finishing the study.
The thing is, concentration is necessary and you know that but what do you do when all your instincts is telling is to think about that bad guy you took down in a game last night or that fun moment you plan to have with your friends in a few days.
Thoughts are great but not when they distract you. So, how do you help yourself eliminate the thoughts and concentrate more on your studies?
Well, that’s what you’re about to find out.
Welcome to Thriven Authority and today’s topic will be walking you through some scientifically proven tips that can help you concentrate more on studies.
Already spiked for this? let’s get started.
Seems off the spectrum of normality and proper thinking?
Well, you just might have to wait a little to see why this counter-intuitive tip is a very powerful one to improving your concentration.
What you know is that allowing your mind to wander for a little while is something psychologists have come to realize having discovered that we spend close to 50% of our time daydreaming.
Because of this research discovery, psychological scientists have come to conclude that the wandering of the mind is not so much of a glitch but a very important part of the human system necessary to help the brain function properly.
This means, you should take a few minutes before your study to allow your mind wander around. Just give yourself a few minutes to let those thoughts permeate.
In fact, a psychologist from Harvard University has shown that only accidental wandering is bad for getting things done.
By letting your mind off for a few minutes, you get to clear your head of thoughts and assume a mind state needed to concentrate on studying.
Wait! What! Why make it difficult when I can’t concentrate in the first place?
Well, there’s a reason to this. From a normal sense, concentration requires the elimination of all distractions but what if we told the opposite itself is more effective.
Yes! By clouding up the space with more distraction, you get to concentrate better. Here’s why.
According to a research made in 1995 by University College London psychologist, Nilli lavie, he came up with something he called the Load Theory which confirms that when you limit the amount of external information the brain process at a time, and once all the processing slots gets filled, the attention of the brain gets stressed and decides on what exactly to focus on.
This might be difficult to practice as you have to also be careful about the distractions.
When you want to study and you find it difficult to concentrate, try going someone with a bit more distractions but avoid them being overwhelming.
This increased distraction will force your brain to pick one thing to focus on and, in this case, your studies.
One of the important components of the body necessary for concentration is self-control.
You need to be able to power your mind to be organized and aligned for studying.
But how do you come about self-control?
Well, if you’ve seen our video that details how to improve your self-control, then you know that your willpower is an essential thing you need to work on.
Irrespective of how committed you are to your studies, focusing and concentrating on something difficult requires a level of willpower.
And, according to a recently conducted research, one of the good ways of improving your willpower is by having a good laugh.
There are several things you can do to have a good laugh.
You can try having a playtime with friends or watch some funny videos on YouTube.
Boosting your willpower will help organize your mind, improve your discipline to learn, and help you cultivate a strong focus power.
Of course, no one is telling you to stop studying and go off playing.
This tip encapsulates the need to take breaks sometimes.
The human mind is limited in several scopes and one of these limitations is the alertness duration.
When you try focusing your mind on something, it gets to a certain time period that you just begin to lose concentration, not because you aren’t trying hard to stay focused but because that’s how the mind is built.
This means, you mind needs to take a break and according to several studies dating as far back as the 1990s, it has been showing that several natural variations in our alertness cycle cause us to only concentrate fully for 90 minutes after which a break of about 15 minutes should be taken.
By take a few minutes off your study, you get to relax your brain, get your thoughts organized again, empower your body, and restore your mental alertness.
Ever heard of the app called Elevate, Lumosity, MentalUP, Peak, or CognifFit Brain Fitness?
Well, if you have or haven’t, these apps are all brain training apps and they are designed to challenge your memory and improve your mental fitness.
They help push your brain towards its limits and are really good in concentration improvement.
According to a 2017 study, it was discovered that with the right brain training, one can improve not just memory but also attention. The training of the brain causes specific changes in certain parts of the brain and this allows your brain to become stronger at tackling difficult information.
According to brain training also helps in keeping your brain healthy while boosting your focus and concentration.
One of those things we make the mistake of doing is trying to work ourselves very hard on trying to get something to work just the way we want it.
When you force your brain to focus for a very long period of time, you end up affecting some other parts of the nervous system.
Sometimes, less is more, and studies conducted by Mike Esterman and Joe DeGutis of the Boston Attention and Learning Lab in Massachusetts confirm this to be true of the brain.
With more studies applying brain imaging, we’ve come to realize that stress is an enemy of the brain and when you stress the brain too much, it might eventually break down.
Instead of try very hard to stay concentrated on your studies, try breaking the study session.
By breaking the session, your brain works itself up over time to become strong enough to handle longer periods.
Apparently, to improve your concentration on your studies requires you to implement counter-intuitive methods.
These are science-backed and are surely very effective. So, have you gained something from this?
Well, then why not check our other tips and visit our YouTube Channel, tap on the subscribe button. See you in the next one.