Best Study Techniques – The Good vs The Bad (4 Tips To Study Effectively)
So, What are the best study techniques? Let’s see the different good vs bad study techniques
Hello and welcome to Thriven Authority, the home channel for all tips and tricks on life and education, work, and just about everything.
Today, it’s time for help out some students.
Are you a student, whether high school or college, experiencing difficulties in your process of studying?
Do you want to study and understand but find that every method you apply isn’t just working?
Have you tried taking notes, preparing before class, going over the topics relentlessly but still can’t figure out how to get them to stick to your memory?
Have you thought of or tried several ways to make your studying productive but none has worked for you yet?
Well, if you are experience problems with studying then something must be wrong with your studying technique.
The truth is, most students believe they are studying; however, the study technique they are applying isn’t right and in fact, research might just have proven it to be very bad.
Of course, it will work for some people but in the most realistic view, many will never benefit from it.
You might be wondering, what are these bad study techniques that I shouldn’t engage in? Well, there are many of them, however, we’ll try to go over a few of the most common ones.
Now, let’s get started.
Sometimes, somewhere, you might have muttered to yourself that if you can just keep on reading that page for the next few hours, then you will know so well that you get to access it right from the tip of your tongue.
The idea is great but have you heard of what we call the fluency illusion?
Well, this term unravels the fact that because you can easily recall the information doesn’t mean you won’t forget it overtime.
In fact, studies on the fluency illusion shows that the easier it is for you to remember, the more likely it becomes for you to forget it.
If you are wondering why this is so, then you should know that a scientific study conducted by many including that of R. A. Bjork and Allen showed that there should be successive spaces between the retrieval of information and the relearning of that information.
This means you need to forget to a certain level to actually learn better.
Don’t be too surprised but if the only way you study is by partnering with someone else, then that innocent study partner of yours might just be aiding your inability to solve those technical equations.
Think about it, all a study buddy can do is give you the motivation to rise up and head to the library together; apart from that, there’s nothing else.
You might go on telling yourself you get to practice problems together and share common ideas.
However, according to, solving problems with someone else is the best way to trick yourself into believing you can actually solve the problem.
All you just do is nod along. After nodding along, try reproducing the problem yourself and solving it, you’ll become aware that you can’t actually do it.
Don’t get us wrong, you should still make friends and have study buddies, however, be accountable also and try doing things rather just watch and nod along as others do the solution.
Turn the down the music and be quiet, why in the world would someone read where it’s noisy, right?
Well, it is great to have a quiet and calm place where you get to concentrate and stay less distracted, however, the concept of finding that quiet place and sticking to it isn’t such a good idea.
In fact, science shows that it is a bad study technique.
The brain most times work by connecting neurons carry certain information with each other.
This allows it to bind the knowledge to something with the type of environment in which it was gained.
And when you continuously teach your brain to take in and retrieve information in a quiet place, it becomes difficult to utilize that information under the noisy atmosphere and intense pressure of an exam hall.
In fact, Johns Hopkins research confirms that by performing a modified version of a task, you can learn faster than repeating the same thing over and over.
So, if your best reading techniques are bad, which ones then are the good ones?
Well, we’ve got a few for.
So, let’s go over them.
Do you also spend hours reading your notes with the believe that you are studying?
And how far has that gone? Not so much, right?
Well, even researchers have proven this method to be less effective.
When you have the information right in front of you, you don’t actually force your brain to create a long-term lock for it.
You think you know it and sure, you do, but it’s just sitting in your short-term memory.
To better task your brain into remembrance, then you should try to retrieving information without the help of support materials.
A theory by cognitive scientists called the study-phase retrieval theory also confirms this, saying that successfully retrieving information from your memory makes it harder to forget the information.
Rather than just continually study from a note, try studying a few times without the note.
When you study, the desire you mostly have is to study to know and eventually ace your exams.
Though this desire, in itself, is complete, scientific research has shown that learning not just to know alone is even more advantageous.
Learning not only to know but to understand and be able to teach it to others is what we refer to as intentional learning.
When you approach studying with an intention to be able to remember and teach others in later periods, it become possible for you to cover even difficult concepts better.
According to John Nestojko in a psychology research, simply informing students that they will be teaching a concept later in class shifted their intention and made them engage with the course material in a more effective and productive way.
By switch your intention towards learning, you help your brain to be more organized, logical, and coherent.
Remember when we said continually reading your material without breaking is bad?
Well, it is and instead of continually reading, scientific study has shown that including spacing your study session can help foster better remembrance.
Spaced practice follows from the principle that the brain physically changes in structure whenever we learn new things.
And in order to learn things effectively, it is better to study in small parts over a longer time period than to study all at once.
According to cognitive scientist, Yana Weinstein, whenever you leave a little space between learning, maybe a few hours or a whole day, you forget a bit of information and this forgetting actually foster stronger memory.
This is because the brain does better at encoding information into the synapses at intervals rather than at once.
Don’t worry, this isn’t any technical related technique. Mind mapping simply involves the visualization of information with diagrams, sketches, and other related means.
To show you how effective this method can be, science has confirmed that 65% of the whole population are visual learners and that the ability of learners to think in pictures and mental images for information retention allows visual learners to be more intelligent.
Mind mapping allows you to understand a single concept by visually linking it with other concepts.
The versatility of a mind map also ensures that you also maintain fun while learning.
But that’s not all.
A research title Making Learning Visible showed that meaningful learning is achieved with the mind mapping technique.
The research proceeds to confirm that mind mapping forces students to connect new learnings with previous knowledge and this according to another scientific is called associative learning and can help result in quicker and better learning.
And there you have it! The good and the bad techniques.
Consider where you fall, implement changes, and let us know results in the comments below.
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Best Study Techniques – The Good vs The Bad (4 Tips To Study Effectively) Read More »