Hey there, ladies. Many of you feel like weight loss is a massive mountain to climb when you have no clue what you should be doing to shed those extra pounds.
Together with the recent fitness craze that is taking the internet by storm due to virality from influencers and the vast amounts of new wellness and health trends and programs, the procedure seems like too much work to even start.
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However, don’t worry, that first step is usually the hardest. When you have a solid weight loss plan in place, you’re ready to take charge.
We spoke to two fitness experts who have shared their most strongly advised weight loss exercises for women per day.
The remaining calories are stored in our bodies as fat. In layman’s language, a woman’s body does not burn calories as her male counterparts do.
This basically means that you need to step up slightly on your cardio and weight training and pair your exercise with a proper diet.
It’s the same kind of workout but an extremely different kind of workout and is guaranteed to have you feeling better and sexier with just one week of consistent practice.
Our experts have you covered on the fitness front and are here to walk you through the best daily exercises for women looking to shed weight.
Incorporating these moves into your daily regime will have the scale tipping in the right direction in no time.
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11 Exercises Women Should Do Every Day
Brisk Walking
Do not underestimate the impact of a good walk when it comes to weight loss and toning up.
Including at least 30 minutes of brisk walking in your daily activities is likely to push your calories burnt by a significant percentage throughout the week.
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To do squats, first, you have to place your feet on the floor shoulder-width apart then depending on how you are placing your hands you can maintain or place them either on your hips clasp them near your chest, or extend them forward in order to have some balance.
If you fancy enhancing the degree of difficulty of this workout, hold a pair of dumbbells by your sides.
From this position, lower your body by bending your knees while pushing your hips back then continue going down until your thighs go parallel to the floor or lower.
By using both of your feet to get back to the starting position, perform the squat. Perform three sets of at least 12 – 15 reps.
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Love them or hate them? Anyway, pushups are ideal workouts used to work on your upper body alongside your core.
So, suppose you are having difficulties performing the normal pushup, you can yield the benefits by starting to perform either the knee pushups or standing slightly away from the wall and proceeding to perform the wall pushups.
Second, we perform a GETUP or a PUSHUP. In this motion, you start from the same high plank position: your hands are on the ground, supporting your shoulders; your feet are on tiptoe.
Now your body forms a straight line from the top of your skull, through your hips, and out to the ends of both your lower legs. Now, bend your elbows and fold yourself up into a ball in front of the floor.
Ensure your body remains straight and your lower back stays in the same arch. Push back up to the high plank to count as a repetition. I will do 8-12 reps for 3 sets.
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Another lower-body workout I will engage in is the lunge works the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. From a stance position, take a large step forward to enter the lunge position.
Bend both knees to a 90-degree angle to start the lunge.
Keep your chest up and ensure that your front knee does not extend past your toes. Then, push up through the front heel to come standing once more. Try to do three sets of 12-15 reps per leg, resting when needed.
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Stand with your legs at least shoulder-width apart, then activate your abs. You have to get into a high plank posture with your hands placed just under your shoulders on the floor and your lower body expanded behind you.
Perform a pushup, then push upright from the floor and leap your knees in such a way that they meet your hands. Jump in a way to elevate your body while lifting your arms. Conduct three sets of twenty tables.
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Mountain Climbers
Mountain climbers are also of great interest to you. All in all, it involves your body and pushes your pulse rate. Start from a high plank posture with your hands directly beneath your hips on the floor and legs extended out behind the body
Quickly cycle each leg to move the knee to your chest. Conduct three sets of thirty tables.
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Jump Rope
Jumping rope is a calorie torcher that works both your upper and lower body. Do it by jumping for one minute, then giving a 30-second rest.
Gradually increase the time you do it so the duration sums up to two to three minutes. On the other hand, to do a hip raise.
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Glute Bridges
Place your palms flat on the floor with your fingers pointed towards your toes and your arms straight.
Push through your feet to raise your hips towards the ceiling, until the hips, knees, and shoulders are in one straight line.
Squeeze the glutes at the top before lowering. Do this for three sets of 15 reps.
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Lie face down. Straighten the legs, raise them slightly, and lift the arms upward. Make three sets of 20 reps. During exercise, lower-the body touches the floor. The load should be given to the lower back.
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Plank Holds
High plank. The initial position is similar to a push-up. Hands are located shoulder-width apart, feet are on the toes for balance.
Lower to your forearms. The line of the back must be straight. The elbows should be under your shoulders, and the trajectory of the movement should be straightened by the muscles of the lower back. Rise; then the initial position must be taken again.
Do three sets of one-minute holds?
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Alternating Bird-Dogs
For the fourth exercise, you need to assume the same initial position as the third. You need to be on all fours, with your head and knees straight. Alternating limb extension. Raise your right arm and straighten your left leg.
Hold briefly, then add before lowering down. Repeat on the opposite side. 20 reps for three sets.
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