10 Workouts to Lose Belly Fat Exercise at Home

10 Workouts to Lose Belly Fat at Home

Hey there all! Don’t you think that this days most of the weight gain takes the area of your belly?

Even though everyone’s body reacts differently to weight gain, the belly area is where a lot of fat tends to accumulate, it ultimately results in belly fat. 

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Not only is belly fat one of the most unattractive features of one’s body, but the worst part of all is that it is extremely unhealthy and brings along a number of life-altering diseases.

If you are someone that is looking to speed up their weight loss and get rid of the extra kilos, here are the best exercises to get a flat belly. 

Include these 10 flat belly exercises in your regular workout routine in order to increase weight loss and you can even perform them at home!

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Here are 10 Workouts to Lose Belly Fat at Home

  1. Spot Run:

Assume a comfortable position and start running on stop.

– You should try to lift your legs as high as possible during the run.

– Keep this activity for about 1-2 minutes.

– Beginners should keep a fast trot on a spot for around 20-30 seconds.

– Have a 60-second rest, drink some water, and start the next circle.

– Repeat this set of cardio exercises at least four times.

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  1. High Knees:

– As you Stay in a straight posture, take turns pulling your knees up towards your chest.

– A hop back and forth on each leg.

– If you want to step it up when it comes to calorie burn, shoot for four sets of 50 per leg.

– The name of the game is speed, so try to rip out this exercise as fast/prescribed as possible.

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  1. Plank:

– Begin in a plank position.

– Slowly shift your weight onto your right forearm(palm)

– Raise your left arm in front of you while keeping the core stable.

– Hold for three seconds in a solid hollow body position.

– Gently lower your arm back down to the starting position.

– Switch arms and repeat.

– Repeat for two to three sets of 10 reps.

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  1. Side Planks:

– Lie on your side with a straight line from head to ankles, legs extended and stacked, lower elbow directly beneath the shoulder, and forearm flat against the ground.

– Last but not least if you want to turn up the heat stack those feel. If you need more balance, just space out your feet a little here.

– Keeping your core engaged, lift your hips off the ground so that you form a straight line from head to feet. There 15-30 seconds at a time ish.

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  1. Mountain Climbers:

– Everything while the top hand can be on your hip to make it easier or extended up over hand for added difficulty

– Spread your hands out wide and assume a plank position, as if you are about to break into push-ups. 

– Keep your back straight and your core tight at this time. Bring your right knee toward your chest as far as you can go.

– Swap over your legs and step rapidly, persevering to interact with your core muscular tissues, and hold your hips down at all times.

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10 Workouts to Lose Belly Fat at Home

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  1. Plank Jacks:

– If you’re new to plank, start by placing your feet together and lining up your shoulders over your wrists while keeping a straight line through the body.

– Keeping your hips down, jump your feet wide like you would do in a jumping jack.

– Then bring your feet back together making sure you keep your buttocks down the entire time.

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  1. Leg Raise:

– Lie on your back with your arms pressed next to you.

– Extend the legs straight and lift them toward the ceiling

– At a minimum, be sure to lift as high and straight out.

– Lift until you can’t go any higher and then allow your legs to come back down.

– You need to do this 15-20 times.

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  1. Jumping Jacks:

– Stand straight and keep your feet together.

– Stretch your arms out to the sides so that they can be parallel with your shoulders.

– Jump, clapping your hands together just in front of you.

– Land and return to the starting position

– Repeat, making sure to keep your shoulders in line.

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  1. Crunches:

– Lie back with your feet hip-width apart on the ground.

– As you are breathing in, cross your arms over your chest and tighten those abs.

– Now exhale and lift your torso but keeping head relaxed back.

– Inhale and come back the kegs to the starting position again.

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  1. V Tucks:

– V-Sit. Sit down with knees in a bend position hold your back straight and tall

– Lean back while spreading your legs, keeping your core engaged.

– Draw your knees towards your chest, and squeeze the abs.

– Control as you repeat on this side.

There you have it, remember, ladies, to practice these exercises regularly at home!


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