Ab Workout for Women for Weight Loss

10-Minute Ab Workout for Women for Fast Weight Loss

In today’s world where faster is better, finding 30 to 45 minutes for a good workout can seem like a massive task — and this can completely ruin your goal for a strong core.

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But if you’re looking for the answer to the question, “If I want my abs to be visible, what should I consider?”.

First of all, you need to understand that there is no single factor responsible for the visibility of abdominal muscles — primarily, it depends on your diet and lifestyle, as well as your genetics and body fat percentage.

 Then, remember that getting a visibly toned stomach is already quite difficult for most men, and it is even more challenging for women, as they typically have.

But, even this is harder to do doesn’t imply that it can’t be achieved.

Below are the best ab workouts for women that aim at the major muscle groups within the core.

Add them to your existing workout, or perform them as a full routine.

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Top 12 ABS Workout for Woman 

  • Firefighter

Stand with feet at shoulder width and core engaged. Raise and bend the left knee at a 90-degree angle, with the arms also bent in front of you.

Follow with an explosion of the left foot as you extend your left hand overhead. Lift the right knee as high as you can; pull the hand down as you lower your right knee.
Repeat the action alternating the legs as well as the arms as fast as you can. Make it as full as possible and as intense as a high knee.

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  • Knee-in Crunch

The starting position is lying face-up with fingertips behind ears; and stretched legs.

Close your legs, lifting them until your feet are about 6 inches off the floor. Engage the core and lift the shoulder blades off the floor.

Come up like you’re doing a regular crunch but also pull knees to chest. Don’t pull on your thigh using your neck, use your abs to lift you. Slowly lower back down. 

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  • Glute Bridge

Move to the bottom, put your knees apart, and plantar your feet on the mat. At the same time, put your arms on the mat opposite to the shoulder line of your body.

Palms are also down. Ensure your head and shoulders remain solidly anchored to the floor.

Inhale, push through your feet, and exhale, lifting your tail up in the air by squeezing your butt cheeks.

This move is ideal for hip stability and ab strength, as well as for strengthening your butt.

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  • Bicycle Crunch

A starting position is lying face up, fingertips are behind ears. Bend the knees at an angle of 90°, both feet should be above the floor.

Lift head and shoulders above the floor. Lean the elbow to the opposite knee and extend the other. Then, quickly extend the first leg and lean another elbow to that knee.

Change your legs rapidly, and lean the elbow to the opposite knee. Do the same with the other legs.

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  • High Knees

A high plank position with abs tight. Jump feet in towards hands, coming into a deep squat with hands resting on the floor in front of toes.

Keep abs tight, torso straight, and hands firmly planted on the floor. Jump back to the starting position, landing softly.

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  • Reverse Crunch

Lie on your back with hands behind your head and elbows pointing to sides. Lift knees toward chest at 90-degree angles.

Crunch up, bringing ribs to hips and aiming the right elbow towards the left side of the knees as you straighten the right leg.

Return to the starting position and alternate so that the outer side of the left knee touches the right elbow.

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  • Mountain Climber

Get into a high plank position with your core tight and hands directly under your shoulders. Keep your core engaged to stabilize your hips as you drive right knee to chest.

Return right leg to starting position, then drive left knee to chest. Continue to alternate legs to pump knees as quickly as possible.

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  • Windshield Wiper

Lie face up, arms straight out to the sides of shoulders, and legs straight up to the ceiling. Lower legs as far as you can to the right, as close to the floor as you can get while retaining form.

Reverse leg to left side. As you twist, keep your head, spine, and shoulders on the mat as close to the ground as possible. Repeat in the opposite direction.

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  • Push Jacks

Start with feet together, elbows bent, palms facing up. Then quickly jump feet apart as you pump arms up toward the ceiling (i.e., raise the roof), then quickly return to the starting position and repeat this movement as fast as possible.

  • Pike-Up

This is a simple exercise that gets both your abs and shoulders involved. To do a plank crouch, start in the high plank with your hands placed directly under the shoulders.

With the core engaged, lift your hips high as you jump your straight legs forward.

Your body by now should look like an upside-down v as your hamstrings are so tight to extend your knee without bending. Jump back to the starting position.

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  • X-Up

Lie face up with arms at your sides. Contract your core and sit up; raise your right hand and left leg so that they meet at the touch, touch your right fingertips to your left toes.

Return to the starting position and then repeat the movement with the opposite hand and leg.

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  • Hollow Body Hold

Finish like this. Lie on your back with arms at your sides and legs straight and raised. Use your abs to lift your head, neck, and upper back off the floor.

To make this move harder, extend your arms overhead. Sweep them back beside your hips to make it easier. Hold for 30 seconds.


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